Graphics courses
Courses with Videos
- UC Davis - Ray Tracing for Global Illumination - global illumination, radiosity, recursive stochastic ray tracing, anti-aliasing, irradiance caching, path tracing
- UC Davis - Computer Graphics - optics, geometry, hierarchical modeling, rendering, shading
- UC Davis - Introduction to Geometric Modeling - interpolation, approximation, curves, splines, surfaces
- UC Davis - Introduction to Graphics Architecture - graphics hardware, GPGPU, parallelism
- UC Davis - Advanced Visualization - ray casting, triangulation, data approximation, interpolation
- Utrecht University - Computer Graphics - vectors, curves, matrices, transformations, rasterization, ray tracing
- Harvard - Intro to Computer Graphics and GPU Programming - OpenGL, GLSL, lighting, animation, special effects
- BerkeleyX - Foundations of Computer Graphics - ray tracing, OpenGL
Offline Rendering
- Berkeley - CS 184 - Foundations of Computer Graphics - Ramamoorthi
- Brown - CS 224 - Interactive Computer Graphics - Hughes
- Dartmouth - CS77 - Computer Graphics - Denning
- MIT - 6.387 - Computer Graphics - Durand
- North Carolina at Chapel Hill - COMP 575 - Introduction to Computer Graphics - Skarbez
- Pitt - CS1566 - Introduction to Computer Graphics - Marai
- Stanford - CS148 - Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging - Hanrahan
- Stanford - CS348b - Image Synthesis - Hanrahan
- Southern California, University of - CSCI 480 - Computer Graphics - Barbic
- Texas, University of - CS 384G - Computer Graphics - Fussell
- Tufts - COMP 175 - Graphics - Chang
- Urbana-Champaign - CS 419 - Advanced Computer Graphics - Forsyth
- UC Irvine - CS 112 - Introduction to Computer Graphics - Majumder
- Virginia, University of - CS447 - Image Synthesis - Humphreys
- Virginia, University of - CS445 - Intro Graphics - Humphreys
- Williams College - CS371 - Computer Graphics - McGuire
Online Rendering and GPUs
- Brown - CS 123 - Intro to Computer Graphics - van Dam
- Caltech - CS 179 - GPU programming - Michelsen
- Carnegie Mellon University - CMU 15-869 - Graphics and Imaging Architectures - Fatahalian
- Georgia Tech - ECE4893A - Multicore and GPU Programming for Video Games - Lanterman
- Michigan, University of - EECS 487 - Interactive Computer Graphics - Jamin
- North Carolina at Charlotte, University of - ITCS 6010 - GPU Programming for High Performance Computing - Wilkinson
- Purdue - CS535 - Interactive Computer Graphics - Aliaga
- Stanford - CS248 - Interactive Computer Graphics - Koltun
- Stanford - CS448A - Real-Time Graphics Architectures - Akeley and Hanrahan
- Udacity - CS291 - Interactive 3D Graphics - Haines
- Virginia, University of - CS 446 - Real-Time Rendering - Luebke
- Williams College - CS371 - Computer Graphics - McGuire
- Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming - McKesson
- OpenGL Tutorial
- Stanford - CS268 - Geometric Algorithms - Guibas
- Stanford - CS348a - Computer Graphics: Geometric Modeling - Guibas
- Stanford - CS164 - Computing with Physical Objects: Algorithms for Shape and Motion - Guibas
- UC Davis - ECS 178 - Introduction to Geometric Modeling - Joy
- Berkeley - CS 283 - Advanced Computer Graphics Algorithms and Techniques - Ramamoorthi
- Carnegie Mellon University - CMU 15-869 - Physical Simulation for Computer Animation - Bargteil
- Clemson - CP SC 419 - Physically Based Animation - House
- Cornell - CS 5643 - Physically Based Animation for Computer Graphics - James
- Pennsylvania, University of - CIS 563 - Physically Based Animation - Kavan
- Southern California, University of - CS599 - Physically Based Modeling for Interactive Simulation and Games - Barbic
- Utah, University of - CS 5967 - Physical Simulation for Computer Animation - Bargteil
Animation and Crowd Behavior
- Stanford - CS 448D - Character Animation - Koltun
- Southern California, University of - CSCI 520 - Computer Animation and Simulation - Barbic
- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville - CS 490.006 - Advanced Computer Graphics - White
- Utah, University of - CS 6967 - Character Animation - Bargteil
- Virginia, University of - CS 551 - Animation - Brogan